Simms Realignment
Broomfield, CO
W.E. O’Neil Construction
ESCO Construction was contracted to perform Demo, Earthwork, Utilities, Roadway Prep, Concrete Flatwork, and Concrete Structures for the project. The project includes multiple technical aspects. ESCO was required to work around multiple existing utilities through the projects construction until proposed improvements are in place.
A full time Fire Access Road was built through the project to maintain emergency traffic through the job to Rocky Mountain Regional Airport. ESCO worked with multiple municipalities as the project limits overlap jurisdictions including Jefferson County, Westminster, Broomfield, and Dry Creek Valley Ditch Company.
During construction ESCO bypassed Dry Creek Valley Ditch while building an extension to the existing box culvert for the roadway widening, building the box culvert, wing walls and apron with 2 18” HDPE pipes running through the work area and into the existing box culvert. Demo includes milling of 2500 LF of existing Simms roadway, and multiple utility lines. Earthwork operations included over 120 acres of disturbance, 1,400,000 CY of over-lot and over-excavation, 3 miles of walking trails, 8,800 tons of riprap, and technical interim grading to complete proposed utility installations while maintaining existing infrastructure. Utilities include 9,300 LF of RCP storm from 18” to 60”, 14,000 LF of Waterline 12” and 16”, 6,500 LF of Sanitary Sewer 12” and 15”, 1,100 LF of Raw Water 24”, and 3,400 LF of Forced Main Sanitary 12”. Utility installation required multiple bypass systems to keep existing infrastructure in place and allow proposed utilities to be installed at the same time. Roadway prep included subgrade prep and placement of 106,000 tons of Class 6 Road Base. Concrete flatwork included over 6,000 CY of concrete, 34,000 LF of Curb and Gutter and 18,000 LF of Sidewalk. Structure work built includes 2 box culverts, one and extension of existing DCVDC box culvert and one new, 2 forebays, 2 outlet structures, and 2 crest walls.
Year Completed
December 2024

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