River Run Ranch Resort
Granby, CO

project description
River Run Ranch was a transformative project in Grand County, Colorado that included 460 acres of the Orvis Shorefox property located in Granby, CO. ESCO broke ground on this project in August of 2018. This project included RV slips, rental cabins, villas, glamping sites as well as a resort clubhouse, a bowling alley, fishing ponds, and an affordable mobile home community. Sun Communities contracted ESCO to perform all site grading, water and sewer infrastructure, drainage, and concrete paving.
Major project items included: high altitude construction of 24,000 LF of 6” & 8” C900 potable water system, 24,000 LF of 6” & 8” SDR 35 sanitary sewer system, 107ea sewer manholes, Excavation and construction of a sewer lift station, in excess of 100,000 CY of onsite cut to fill, 69,000 CY of exported material, 100,000 SY of subgrade preparation and asphalt paving, 236 concrete RV pads, 4,500 LF of offsite double barrel 4” and 8” forcemain, as well as auger bores beneath US HWY 34, HWY 40, and Union Pacific Railroad.
Sun Enterprises
EStimated Contract
November 2020
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