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High Point East Mass Grading

Denver, CO

project description

ESCO Construction Co was contracted by Aurora High Point at DIA Metro District to perform mass grading and erosion control at the 245 acre High Point East site. Grading activities included 218 acres of clear and grub, 836,000 CY of cut to fill, and 92,000 SY of Finish Grading. Erosion Control activities consisted of 25,000 LF of diversion ditches, 188 check dams, and the creation of 5 new sediment basins. All operations are to be were strategically planned and executed during the 7 phases of the project. During construction of the project amendments to plans were approved to add an additional 290,000 CY of cut to fill within the Possum Gully. The equipment fleet utilized to make this work possible included Caterpillar 637 Scrapers, Cat 390 Excavators, and Caterpillar 740 Haul Trucks. On-site personnel ran over 1 mile of hose to supply the site with construction water!


Aurora High Point at DIA Metro District

EStimated Contract



October 2020

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