Durango La Plata Airport Taxiway
Durango, CO

project description
ESCO completed the Durango-La Plata County Airport Project in 2019 in Durango, CO. The Durango La Plata Airport encompassed the airside removal and replacement of Taxiway A via a phased approach over 86 calendar days. This schedule-focused project included 35,000 tons of crushed aggregate base course and subbase course, electrical infrastructure, bituminous paving, drainage improvements as well as pavement marking installation, site grading, and restoration to FAA Specifications. Some key features of the Durango-La Plata County Airport project include: Full depth existing pavement removal and replacement, over 20,000 CY of unclassified excavation and onsite trucking, 2,000 LF of underdrain, and nearly 20,000 Tons of Bituminous Paving. This project was built by ESCO via a phased approach to minimize disturbance and maximize the benefit to the City of Durango.
City of Durango
EStimated Contract
October 2019
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