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Hogchute Reservoir Dam Rehabilitation

Grand Mesa/Carson Lake - CO


City of Grand Junction
Working at elevations just under 10,000 feet on the Grand Mesa, ESCO was the prime contractor with the City of Grand Junction to rehabilitate Hogchute Dam.

Project Contract

Working at elevations just under 10,000 feet on the Grand Mesa, ESCO was the prime contractor with the City of Grand Junction to rehabilitate Hogchute Dam. After Carson Lake was drained, ESCO built a diversion control system to manage 100 CFS continual water flow thru the project. The major component of the project was to rehabilitate the downstream face of the dam which included removal and replacement of the existing cobbles and embankment. The new construction of the downstream face of the dam included a more select embankment material, filter material, drainage conduit surrounded by filter material and a toe drain system. The new construction also included the included the demolition and replacement of the existing outlet works (buttress) intake structure. Additionally, ESCO replaced and rehabilitated the existing outlet works conduit. Despite the challenging weather conditions, ESCO maintained all the necessary storm water preventive measures to ensure environmental compliance. As the project comes to completion, the entire site will be re-seeded for spring growth in 2023. Major quantities included: over 9,000 CY of cobble and embankment removal, over 1,000 CY of filter column, over 4,000 CY of embankment placement, almost 7,000 CY of cobble shell replacement, over 300 CY of structural concrete placement, and manufacturing for use onsite of 2,100 Tons of riprap.

Year Completed

August 2022

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